These are complete dumps of Repology database, created daily. Notes: - The dumps are generated with `pg_dump --clean --if-exists --no-owner` with extension related clauses commented out, and are intended to be applied to either empty database or existing Repology database (overwriting all data) from the database owner, given required extensions already set up by the superuser (see usage below). - Dumps are compressed with zstandard compression algorithm. - Note that dumps are only expected to be compatible with the same PostgreSQL versions they were generated with. May be compatible with later versions, definitely not compatible with earlier versions. PostgreSQL version used by Repology at time of dump is included into the dump file name. - Expect more than 10 gigabytes of filesystem space to be used by PostgreSQL after the dump is applied. Prerequisites: - PostgreSQL - zstandard decompressor - postgresql-libversion extension - postgresql-trgm extension (usually comes with postgresql-contrib package) Usage: - Create database, user and extensions as documented in - Fetch, extract and apply the dump (note that existing Repology data will be erased): curl -s | zstd -d | psql -U repology -v ON_ERROR_STOP=1